
TWGR [Mont-Blanc] Les Contamines

Splitboard outing in France Les Contamines (January 2017)

A beautiful day in Les Contamines resort backcountry with Laurent Bibollet, a local guide.

It was early in the season an the snow cover was thin but the last snowfall brought wonderful powder.


TWGR [Mont-Blanc] Pointe d'Orny Couloir N

Splitboard outing in Switzerland to North Couloir of Glacier d'Arpette

Back in the beautiful area of Val d'Arpette to ride another couloir. This one is less steep than the Trfide and a bit wider. We took the entry on rider's right of Pointe d'Orny.

Snow was irregular but not bad to find some cold powder in May!


TWGR [Mont-Blanc] Pointe d'Orny Trifide I

Splitboard outing in Switzerland to left branch of Trifide couloir at Pointe d'Orny.

The Pointe d'Orny (3271m) is in Valais accessible from a small village called Champex. We went through the beautiful valley Val d'Arpette to reach the bottom of the couloir. There are so many interesting lines in this area... the Trifide couloir is composed of three branches (Left NNE, Center NNE, Right NE), all starting from rider's left of Pointe d'Orny.


TWGR [Alpes Pennines] Grand Golliat NE

Splitboard outing in Switzerland to North-East couloir of Grand Golliat.

The Grand Golliat (3238m) is in Val Ferret between Switzerland and Italy. We started the ascent from Le Clou just after La Fouly. It's a long and flat way to access the bottom of the couloir (2700m) but surroundings are absolutely beautiful. Then, you have the choice with two north-east couloir. We took the rider's left.

Another beautiful day.